Kamis, 11 November 2010

Apples And Raspberries In Oily Skin Care

ripe raspberries
photo: www.sxc.hu/photo/590433

Natural Recipes For Oily Complexion And Combined Skin

Fruit essences often make part of skin care products because of their beneficial properties. However, it is also easy to prepare some fruit mask yourself at home. If you have oily or combined skin - it may love to be treated with apple or raspberry masks. 

Why raspberries can make your skin beautiful?
They are a very rich source of natural vitamin C and organic acids. That softens and smoothens your skin. Raspberries are also great to relax and refresh greasy and combined skin quickly. Raspberry mask tends to normalize the sebum secretion too.

Why apple can make your skin healthier?
This popular fruit contains organic acids that are able to exfoliate dead skin cells in a very gentle way. Thanks to this property tired and unhealthy complexion becomes smooth and glowing. Apple extract has also anti-bacterial properties, so mask with this fruit can be very helpful to normalize the oily complexion and to diminish acne problems.

How to prepare homemade treatment with those fruits?
You can start with the simplest recipes ever - take a handful of ripe raspberries or one apple, mash it until smooth with a fork in a small container and then apply to your face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse off with a warm water (in case of apples it may be easier to grate them). Do not apply the mask to your eye zone! If the pulp is too watery, you can add a tablespoon of potato starch to thicken the pulp. 

This is the basic recipe. In case you discover that apples / raspberries are tolerated very well by your skin, you can enrich the recipe by adding a little bit of honey or a few drops of lemon juice to the apple mask or experiment by adding 2-3 fresh basil leafs to the raspberry mask.

Sumber: http://www.mybeautyonline.com

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